Killtest IBM 000-106 Braindumps

Get the IBM  000-106 certification exam information from IBM site.  Meanwhile, Killtest IBM 000-106 braindumps is also the latest for the IBM candidates who are planning to take this IBM 000-106 certification exam. With Killtest  IBM  000-106  braindumps  we can clear the IBM 000-106 exam test easily.

Read the latest IBM 000-106 certification exam  information  as below:

Number of questions: 37

 Time allowed in minutes: 60

Test languages: English    

Required passing score: 60%

 There are 37 scored items and 4 unscored items.

Power Systems Product Knowledge (19%)
Describe the range and capabilities of the Power Systems portfolio.
Describe I/O Drawers, SSD, NAS, SAN, DASD Drawers, 12X Loops, IVE, SAS, Ethernet, and FC Cards and how they would apply in solutions.
Compare and Contrast IBM i, AIX and Linux

Power Systems Architecture (11%)
Describe the benefits of POWER6 and POWER7 chips
Describe RAS Feature of the Power Systems
Differentiate between AME and AMS

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