Exam 70-571: TS: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0, Development

Candidates for this exam have two to three years of experience in an embedded system environment developing for embedded devices by using Windows Embedded CE. Candidates should also have at least one year of experience using Windows Embedded CE and six months of experience using Windows Embedded CE 6.0.


Customizing the Operating System Design (12 percent)

Building and Deploying the Runtime Image (9 percent)

Performing System Programming (22 percent)

Debugging and Testing the System (17 percent)

Customizing a Board Support Package (BSP)(17 percent)

Developing Device Drivers (23 percent)


More details about 70-571 exam can be found here.

1. You have a new OS design that uses a flash storage device.?

You add the Catalog items for the flash storage device and the file system to the OS design.?

You need to mount the flash storage device as the root of the file system.?

What should you do? Killtest Exam 70-571: TS: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0, Development

A. Add the File Cache Manager Catalog item.

B. Add the File Storage Redirection Catalog item.

C. Modify the Storage Manager Control Panel Applet.

D. Modify the Storage Manager profile in the registry.

Answer: D


2. You have an OS design for a target hardware platform that does  not  use battery-backed  RAM. The target hardware has block storage.? Killtest Exam 70-571: TS: Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0, Development

You need to preserve the registry data in a custom location on the block storage device.?

Which should you do?

A. Add the Hive-based Registry Catalog item and modify platform.bib.

B. Add the Hive-based Registry Catalog item and modify platform.reg.

C. Add the RAM-based Registry Catalog item and modify platform.bib.

D. Add the RAM-based Registry Catalog item and modify platform.reg.

Answer: B


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